Childhood obesity: Bedroom Televisions

Children who have a TV in their bedroom are at a considerably higher risk of obesity and a larger waist circumference. Kids with a TV in their bedroom were twice as likely to have high levels of fat mass defined as levels in the top 25 percent compared with those without a TV in their room. They were also more likely to have a large waist circumference amount and high levels of fat in the bloodstream.

Obesity affects one-third of childhood aged 6 to 19. For instance, having a bedroom TV is related to lower amounts of sleep and lower prevalence of usual family meals, independent of total TV viewing time. Childhood obesity is a situation where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or security. The subjects who had a bedroom TV and who also viewed over 2 hours of TV a day were shown to have 2.5 times the odds of the maximum levels of fat mass.

With bad eating routine and fatty diet and some hereditary influence some kids are destined to battle childhood obesity late into their twenties, childhood obesity has become a wide extend phenomena and the risks involved in childhood obesity are becoming clearer with time. Some analysis showed that while kids had a TV in the bedroom, they had a higher chance of viewing more television.

We can try to prevent childhood obesity. Seek medical attention before making any severe change to a fat child's lifestyle. Begin slowly by setting sensible goals for your child. One easy way is to start reducing the amount of sophisticated sugar intake in your child's diet. Encourage them to take plenty of water and to engage in daily exercise, at the same time prohibit snacking between meals especially in front of TV’s. 

Childhood obesity is a very real trouble in our society. However we can take charge and help the youth of today learn to live a healthier life. It is up to us to assist encouraged health and fitness in today's youth.

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