Childlessness Causes Early Death

Involuntary childlessness may increase the chance of early death; a new study suggests being childless may increase the risk of dying prematurely, mainly in women. According to Scientists the study throws new light on the age-old question of whether life fulfillment provided by children can actually extend your years. Mindful that association is not the same thing as causation, study suggest that the death rates are higher in the childless.

After analysis, the results suggested having a child cut the risk of early death, mostly among women. Childlessness describes a person (couple) who does not have any children. The causes are numerous and it has great personal, societal and political significance. Childless women were four times more likely to die early from circulatory disease, cancers, and accidents than those with children- and men were about twice as likely.

In this situation, adoption may decrease the risk of early death. Along with women who remained childless, the early death rate from circulatory disease, cancers, and accidents amongst women was four times as high as that amongst those who consequently gave birth to their own child; the early death rate was 50 per cent lower among women who adopted.

Rates of psychiatric illness do not emerge to vary with childlessness, but in parents who adopt it is decreased. The study investigated death rates among 21,276 couples in Denmark registered for IVF treatment, which means that all started out wanting a baby.

In short the findings suggest those who fulfill their life goals have better overall health than those who do not.

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